- If you are a new user currently using the original WhatsApp, you can take a backup and verify your number on FMWA. Watch the video for step-by-step instructions.
Important note: When deleting WhatsApp, do not activate this option.
If you activate it, you will not succeed in installing the new version.
Go to Application Manager and uninstall it again. You will find it in its package name.
- If you want to register a new number, you can install FMWA and verify it. Nothing else needs to be done.
- If you were banned, you will likely need to use the “Linked Device” feature to use FMWA. Good news, you can install the original WhatsApp and FMWA on the same phone and use it normally. Watch the video for more details.
Watch this:
Watch this:
- If you are only updating (no notice or ban), you need to take a backup, remove the installed version, and install the fresh FMWA V10.10. Watch the video for more details.